Religion in India

Religion in India

India is a diverse country characterized by its various religious practices and beliefs. This spiritual land of India has given birth to many religions, such as Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism. These religions together form a subgroup which is known as Eastern religions. The people of India have great faith in religions and believe that they give meaning and purpose to their lives. Religion here is not limited to just beliefs but it also includes morality, customs, rituals, philosophy of life and much more. In today's time, various religions are followed in India.

Religion in India

Hindu Religion

Most of the population of India follows Hinduism which is the oldest religion of this country. According to the 2011 census, 80 percent of Indians follow Hindu religion. Those who believe in this religion also call it Sanatan Dharma. This name was popularized by Mahatma Gandhi. The holy scriptures of Hindus are Ramayana and Bhagavad Gita. Hindu people practice the principles of the Vedas and Unapishads. Their place of worship is called temple or devasthan. These people worship idols which are considered to be the reflection of God. But those Hindus who belong to Arya Samaj do not worship idols. There is a system of symbols in Hinduism like the Swastika symbol is the symbol of auspiciousness and Om is the symbol of Supreme Brahma. There are many Hindu festivals according to Hindu mythology, such as Diwali, Holi, Bihu, Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga Puja and others that are celebrated in the country.


According to the 2011 census, 13 percent of India's population is Muslim. It is the second largest religion in the country and its followers are called Muslims. It is divided into sub-sects, the most famous of which are Shia and Sunni. The holy book of Muslims is the Quran, and they follow the teachings of Prophet Mohammed. Hajj is an annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Islam, which every physically and financially capable Muslim has to do once in his life. The major Islamic festivals celebrated in India are Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Zuha and Muharram.


Guru Nanak established Sikhism in the Punjab region in the 15th century. The holy book of the Sikhs is the Guru Granth Sahib which is a collection of the writings of the Guru. According to the 2011 census, 2 percent of India's population belongs to the Sikh religion. There are no special festivals in Sikhism, but some are commonly celebrated, such as the birthdays of Gurus or martyrdom days. Gurupurab, Baisakhi, Nagar Kirtan, Hola Mohalla etc. are some of the festivals that Sikh people celebrate. The religious beliefs of Sikhs do not include fasting or pilgrimage. Most Sikhs in India live in Punjab and their communities live in large numbers in neighboring states.


Buddhism in India was founded by Siddhartha Gautam who is also known as 'Buddha'. Buddhists constitute only 1 percent of India's population. These people believe in samsara, karma and rebirth and follow the teachings of Buddha. Buddhist devotional practices include pilgrimage, bowing and chanting, and offerings. Buddha's Birthday also known as Vesak, Asalah Puja Day, Magha Puja Day and Loy Rothong are some of the festivals of Buddhism.


Jainism is believed to have originated in India between the 7th-5th century and was founded by Mahavira. This religion does not believe in God but in its own theology. It believes in non-violence, non-monogamy and anekantavada. According to the 2011 census, a very small number of people follow Jainism in India. According to the history of Jainism, there were a total of 24 preachers of this religion who are called Tirthankaras. Among these, Rishabh was the first and Mahavir was the last. Followers of this religion take five vows which include non-violence, truth, non-violence, celibacy and aparigraha. Mahavir Jayanti, Paryushan Parva, Diwali and Maun Agiyara are some of the festivals of Jainism.


According to historical beliefs, Christianity came to India about 2000 years ago. According to the 2011 census, 2.3 percent of India's total population belongs to Christianity. The Christian population is found throughout the country, but mostly in South India, the Northeast and the Konkan Coast areas. Christian people believe in Jesus Christ and worship him. They consider him the savior of humanity and the son of God. The main festival of Christians is Christmas. Good Friday, All Souls Day and Easter are some of the festivals that people of this religion celebrate in India.


People of Jewish and Parsi religions are also in very small numbers in the country. According to Judaism, there is a sacred relationship between God and the Jews. People of Parsi religion, one of the minority communities of the country, believe that man is the helper of God. Those who follow this religion are called Parsis and those who follow Judaism are called Jews.

Although different religions are followed in India, the secularism and sovereignty of this country remains intact. In fact, all these religions together play an important role in maintaining harmony, culture, history and peace in the country.
